CSV Template File for WhatsApp Broadcast Messages
Template Components
When you submit WhatsApp Broadcast Templates, you can create templates that contain:
- Header (optional):
- Text with 1 variable
- Media (Image/Video/Document/Location) variable
- Body:
- Text with up to 15 variables with a maximum of 15 characters per-variable
- Footer (optional):
- Text
- Buttons (optional):
- Call To Action
- Call Phone Number
- Visit Website
- Static
- Dynamic with 1 variable
- Quick Reply
- Up to 3 text buttons
- Opt-Out button (allow your customer to tell if they do not interested to get Marketing Broadcast from you)
- Call To Action
Omnichannel Dashboard provides a downloadable CSV template for the broadcast messages feature. The CSV template will customize the message template you choose. See Tutorial
- phone_number : indicates the telephone number to which the broadcast message will be sent with the format: country code without + (e.g. 62xxxx)
- customer_name : indicates the name of the telephone number’s owner and is used as the chatroom’s name
- header_variable : contains variable values in the header of the message template, variable values can contain text or media links needed. You must fill in this field if your message template has a header, but if it doesn’t have a header then you can clear this field. How to Get Direct Media Link From Omnichannel?
If you want to use the default media header uploaded to the template:- Copy the default media URL from the approved template
Open Outbound Menu > WhatsApp Broadcast Templates > choose the desired template > Copy Media Link - Or, just remove the header_variable column. Note: make sure you have uploaded the media when submitting the template.
- Copy the default media URL from the approved template
- body_variable : contains variable values on the body of the message template, the maximum variable that can be added is 15 variables. To define variable numbers please add a number in the behind body_variable by format body_variable{ordinal number of variable}. Example:
Please note that each variable can only contain a maximum of 15 characters, and it is not allowed to add a new line in the body variable. - button_type : contains button types supported by WhatsApp, namely Quick Reply and Call to Action (CTA), see Using Call-to-Action (CTA) button on WhatsApp Message Template. If you don't have a button then you can empty this field. If you use CTA Button Dynamic, the button_type must be filled in with "URL"
- button_variable : Add the variable after your base URL, for example the full URL is https://qiscus.com/blog, so you can fill in this field with blog. If your template does not have a variable then you can clear this field, this is only for CTA Button Dynamic.
Please note the following points:
- Phone_number format must be written according to the country code, for Indonesia, you can use 62
- Make sure the media header size How Big The File That I Can Attach to a WABA Template?
- The maximum number of variables that can be used is 15 variables
- The maximum number of characters per variable is 15 and without a new line
- The maximum number of contacts sent is 10.000 phone_number per CSV
- The maximum template content including variables:
- Header 60 characters
- Body 1024 characters
- File format must be in CSV
- Make sure there is no unknown character like
â, €, ¬, â, œ, “, etc.
Sample CSV content
phone_number,customer_name,body_variable1,header_variable,button1_type,button1_variable1 |
628123456,Alex,body_value1,https://d1edrlpyc25xu0.cloudfront.net/win-tbqucu68w4bes1ial/image/upload/brLFVSk8wf/WhatsApp-Image-2021-11-29-at-4.11.52-PM.jpeg,url,test |
If your CSV file format is in accordance with the CSV template provided, the upload will be successful. After a successful upload, you can pass the broadcast message to the intended contacts. The following is the log status for each contact's broadcast message:
- Sending : The message is being sent
- Queue : The message is still in the queue to be sent
- Sent : The message has been sent but not yet received by the intended contact
- Delivered : The message has been successfully sent and received by the intended contact
- Read : The message has been read by the intended contact
- Failed : The message failed to be sent because the destination contact is invalid or does not activate WhatsApp, or there is another problem. See Failed WhatsApp Broadcast Message with CSV or API