Multichannel Version 2.22 Release

Announce: April 6, 2021

Hi there, Good news! We have made some improvements in Multichannel version 2.22. You can fully experience this version starting April 6, 2021. Below are the list of changes :

  • Agent / Supervisor / Admin can follow up with broadcast template via Inbox

Now, you can also follow up with customers using Broadcast Template, with flexible variable on Header, Body and Button. The Follow Up Customer button will appear when the room chat is expired, and you can follow the steps below for following your customer :

  1. Make sure you have approved Broadcast Template Message / 24 Hours Message Template,Group_5.png
  2. Enter the WA expired room,Group_4.png
  3. Click Follow Up Customer button,
  4. Select Template Type,Group_6.png
  5. Select Template Name (Broadcast Only),Group_2.png
  6. Select Template Language,Group_3.png
  7. Click Send Button,Group_8.png
  8. If you select Broadcast Template Message, you need to fill a variable (if any) before sending it.
  • Support twitter characters count in custom channel

We're also adding Twitter characters count indicators in the chat text field, so you can deliver a proper message to the customer. To using this feature you can follow these steps :

  1. Enter Integration Menu from the sidebar,3.png
  2. Create/Edit your Custom Channel using the word “twitter” as identifier key,
  3. Save your changes,2.png
  4. The twitter characters count indicator will appear in the chat text field.4.png
  • WhatsApp Embedded can get channel auto responder
  • Some Other Enhancements and bugs fix

For further information, feedback, or questions about the changes above, please feel free to drop us some feedback at

Best regards,
Multichannel Product Team

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