While trying to sign up for WhatsApp Business API through Qiscus Omnichannel, you may find some issues, for the example:
Here we have a list of the issues that might occur and how to solve them.
Business Manager Account Creation Errors
Error | Description | Solution |
An error occurred while processing this request. Please try again later. |
Business account creation could have failed due to various reasons, please contact Support for further assistance. |
Use an active Facebook account or contact Support for resolution. |
You have reached the limit for the number of Businesses you can create at this time. |
There is a limit to the number of Business Accounts that you can create. |
Please use an existing Business Account. |
Your Facebook account is too new to create a business account. Try again in an hour. |
New Facebook accounts have to wait for some time to create a Business Manager account. |
Use an existing active Facebook account or wait for a few hours before using your new account. The new Facebook account can be actively used during the wait period. |
We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam. You can try again later. |
Your Facebook account was flagged because of suspicious behavior. |
Use an existing, active Facebook account with no prior issues. |
You're no longer allowed to use Facebook Products to advertise. You can't run ads, manage advertising assets or create new ad or business accounts. |
You are unable to create new Business Manager accounts due to previous suspicious behavior. |
Use an existing, active Facebook account with no prior issues. |
Your payment account is disabled |
Your payment account was disabled due to previous suspicious behavior. |
Please contact your Account Manager to activate the service. |
A User Can Only Create One Business User At One Time |
You can only create a single Business Account within a given time period. |
Use an existing Business Account to onboard. |
The name you chose for your business isn’t valid. Consider using xxx. |
Invalid business name. |
Add a valid name that matches the name of your business. |
WhatsApp Business Account Creation Errors
Error | Description | Solution |
The user does not have permission to create WhatsApp Business Accounts. |
You do not have the Admin level permission needed to create WhatsApp Accounts under the Business Account you selected. |
Get Admin access to the Business Account to proceed or select an account you have Admin permissions for. |
Something has gone wrong. You will need to contact support and try again. |
This could be because of some intermittent problem on the WhatsApp side. This could also be because the Facebook Business Account was rejected after requesting Business Verification. |
If this was due to an intermittent error, you can retry later. If this was because your Facebook Business Account was not verified, try resubmitting for Business Verification, or create a WhatsApp Business Account using a Facebook Business Account that has already been verified. If you were previously rejected for Business Verification, you should have received an email with reasons. As a last resort, you or your BSP can contact Support. |
You can only create two WhatsApp Business Accounts before your Business Verification is complete. You can create additional accounts after you are verified. |
You tried to create multiple WhatsApp Business Accounts under an unverified business. |
You can start Business Verification for the account by visiting the Business Manager. You will be able to create additional WhatsApp Business Accounts only when Business Verification is complete. |
Phone Setup Errors
Error | Description | Solution |
This phone number already exists in your list of phone numbers. |
You are trying to add a phone number that already exists in your WhatsApp Business Account. |
Go back into the flow or restart the flow to select the existing phone number. |
This number is registered to an existing WhatsApp account. To use this number, disconnect it from the existing account. Then, return to this page and re-enter the number. |
The phone number was already registered on our platform (i.e., WhatsApp Messenger, WhatsApp Business App, or WhatsApp Business API). |
Deregister the number if you want to use it, or register a new number. |
Your verified name violates WhatsApp guidelines. Please edit your verified name and try again. |
The name used for the phone number's business profile does not meet our guidelines. |
Please reference the Display Name guidelines and try again. |
Something has gone wrong. You will need to contact support and try again. |
There was a problem in creating the phone number's Business Profile. |
Re-enter the correct Business Profile name according to the guidelines and other details. |
Phone Verification Errors
Error | Description | Solution |
Phone number ownership is already verified. |
This phone number has already been verified. |
You may continue the setup process |
Your phone number doesn't appear to be valid. Please double-check it, or try again after 5 minutes. |
An incorrect phone number was entered, or we do not support numbers of this format. |
Make sure the number is operational and verified by a telecom provider. We do not currently support Interactive Voice Response (IVR) numbers. |
You have guessed too many times. |
To block spam, the system only allows a limited number of verification attempts. |
You have to wait for about 12 hours before retrying. After this waiting period, come back to the flow and select existing accounts and phone numbers to verify again. |
There was an error verifying this phone number. Please try again later. |
There was a problem with the verification code. |
Please retry again later. |
You have requested your code too many times. |
To block spam, the system only allows a limited number of verification tries. |
We limit the number of times you can request a code within a certain time frame. Come back to the flow after the specified time and select existing accounts and phone numbers to request a code again. |
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