What are the Steps for WhatsApp Business Account Setup through Qiscus?

Here are the steps for WhatsApp Business Account Setup:

  • An onboarding form will be sent from us to be filled up by the client. Client has to submit valid Facebook Business Manager ID that can be found on Business Settings menu > Business Info > Business Manager ID (see the red circle). WhatsApp_Image_2020-07-21_at_15.36.09.jpeg
  • The client informs us that the form has been filled up.
  • Our team will confirm and check the form.
  • If the form is good, our team will invite the Facebook Business Manager ID and inform the client to accept the invitation. The client can accept the invitation by following THIS guideline.
  • At this stage, the client has to verify the Facebook Business Manager by clicking this link  https://web.facebook.com/business/help/2058515294227817?_rdc=1&_rdr
  • Client accepts the invitation and verify the Facebook Business Manager, we will then setup the account.
  • While waiting for business and account verification process, our team will confirms payment to the client.
  • Once the process marked as succeed and payment confirmed, our team will set the time to do OTP.
  • Our team will set out the OTP at promised time and client will send the OTP code to us.
  • After the OTP finished, our team will setup client's WABA and integrate to client's Qiscus Multichannel Chat account.
  • We will notify client when we have finished the WABA setup and integration, ready to be used in client's Qiscus Multichannel Chat dashboard.

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