Multichannel Version 2.12.0 Release

Hi there, Good news! We have made some improvements in Multichannel. Below are the list of changes:

  • Add The WhatsApp Number Field in WhatsApp Integration

In this version there is the addition of the WhatsApp number field on the WhatsApp integration page. This field aims to provide information related to the integrated WhatsApp number. This field is not required to be filled in.


  • Add Notification Indicator for Unserved Conversation

Notification Indicator for Unserved Conversation is used to provide information on the number of unserved conversations. This indicator is located on the browser tab. If the number of unserved conversations exceeds 99 conversations, 99+ Unserved will be displayed. The number of Unserved Customers will be updated every 30 seconds.


  • Add Help Button

The Help Button aims to make it easier for Admins, Supervisors, and Agents to access the Submit Ticket page when experiencing technical difficulties in using Multichannel. The help button can be accessed on the sidebar menu, which is located between the Settings and Logout menu. If the user clicks the button, it will open a new tab and go directly to the Submit Ticket page.


Besides that, there is also the addition of App ID information for the Agent dashboard. App ID information can be accessed on the Settings> Account Management page. This addition allows the Agent to submit tickets because the Submit Ticket page requires App ID information.


  • Autoresponder Setting

In this version there is an update on the autoresponder feature by adding configurations to the autoresponder during office hour and outside office hour. This configuration aims to regulate the dispatching of autoresponders.

In the autoresponder during office hour there is the addition of the checkbox Keep sending every time a customer initiates a chat session even though the room has been resolved. The default setting is Unchecked, meaning that the autoresponder message will only be sent once for one conversation during business hours. Meanwhile, if the checkbox is checked then an autoresponder message will always be sent every time the customer starts a conversation session even though the room has been resolved.

On the outside office hour autoresponder, there is the addition of the Sent every time a customer sends a message checkbox. The default setting is Unchecked, meaning that the autoresponder message will only be sent once at the beginning of each conversation outside the working hours. Meanwhile, if the checkbox is checked, the autoresponder will always be sent every time we get a message from the customer. If there are several messages sent by the customer within 1 minute, the autoresponder will only be sent once.


  • MAU Exceed Limit Policy

Qiscus applies a service disruption policy for APP IDs whose MAU usage has exceeded the limit. There are three stages that are applied, which are as follows.

  1. Stage 1, if the use of MAU reached 90 - 110% we'll send Warning and Recommendation emails. This e-mail notify the client about the MAU usage, recommending a plan upgrade, and warning the client that this service may be interrupted. The e-mail sent for step one is only once.
  2. Stage two, if the use of MAU reaches 120%, it will send an e-mail that warn to disrupt Service. The email informs the client that their usage has exceeded their limit and encourages them to upgrade the plan as soon as possible to avoid service interruptions. An email will be sent every day.
  3. Phase three, if the use of MAU reaches 130% then it will send an email and implement service interruption. The e-mail tells the client that usage has reached the 130% limit so that it will start implementing service interruptions and encourage them to upgrade plans to free them from service interruption. An email will be sent every day. Service interruption in the form of a client cannot send messages to all channels owned except Qiscus Widget. A system message will appear that contains a failure when sending messages. Even so, clients can still receive messages from customers for all channels.
  • Add sender, time and change color/design in a replied WA message from different session
  • Add WhatsApp channel id on Broadcast Templates Detail page
  • Add character validation on upload CSV for WhatsApp broadcast
  • Add is_waiting query on customer room
  • Add extras, room_badge and remove mobile breakpoint in Qiscus Widget with qismo-v3.js
  • Add new logic to allocate agent and implement v2 allocate method
  • Add resolved and channel_id on room_logs when initiate chat
  • Add tls version on FileWrapper download
  • Use SDK version 2.9.7 on Multichannel dashboard and Qiscus widget
  • Change google map key for rendering maps
  • Optimize search query
  • Update room_log_extras on system message agent assignment
  • Exclude has_no_message room on total_unserved
  • Retrying send message text without preview URL if failed sending
  • Ignore error on WhatsApp timeout if text contains url or link
  • Skip failed room transfer and continue bulk assignment
  • Hotfix make broadcasted room can be taken over
  • Hotfix get customer after the broadcast
  • Hotfix typing filter tag not found
  • Hotfix name failed to update because is nil
  • Hotfix white space in the namespace of WhatsApp HSM
  • Hotfix direct login configuration
  • Hotfix WhatsApp webhook
  • Hotfix issue cannot get value from extra_fields
  • Hotfix undefined issue when upgrading from v2
  • Hotfix message can not be sent after broadcast in non-sessional app
  • Hotfix filter by WhatsApp channel for expiring 8 hours in All tab
  • Hotfix filter by WhatsApp channel for all category in Resolved tab
  • Hotfix availability agent User Interface
  • Hotfix if filter by tag not found
  • Hotfix blinking countdown on expiring WhatsApp room
  • Hotfix set height in additional info for customer
  • Hotfix has no message invalid value after WhatsApp broadcast reply
  • Hotfix payload for quick reply
  • Hotfix show availability agent popup after changing status
  • Hotfix invalid format when save file
  • Hotfix icon reply as customer in chat list Inbox
  • Hotfix multiple variables on WhatsApp template message not replaced

For further information, feedback or questions about the changes above, please feel free to drop us some feedback at

Best regards,
Multichannel Product Team

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