Multichannel Version 2.11.0 Release

Hi there, Good news! We have made some improvements in Multichannel. Below are the list of changes:

  • Filter by Tag

In this version there's additional new feature namely Filter by Tag. Filter by Tag is used to filter conversations on the Inbox chat list based on certain tags. Users can filter conversations based on several tags. The list of tags displayed matches the tags found on the Multichannel dashboard.

The relationship between tags is AND, meaning that if the user defines more than one tag, the results obtained must meet all the tags defined. For example, user filters based on the tags "potential customers" and "new customers" then the results obtained are displaying chats that have the tags "potential customers" and "new customers" in the Inbox chat list.

Filter by Tag with other filters such as Filter by Channel and Filter by Bot are not interconnected. Users can only do one type of filter. When filtering by tag, you cannot filter by channel or filter by bot at the same time.


Also in this version there are also improvements for the Admin and Supervisor dashboards, which are removing Filter by Customer and replacing this feature by providing four tabs in the inbox chat list which are grouped by All, Unserved, Served and Resolved.

  1. All tab: displays all conversations whether it's resolved or not resolved,
  2. Unserved tab: displays conversations that are still in progress but no Agent has joined,
  3. Served tab: displays conversations that are still in progress and an Agent has joined,
  4. Resolved tab: displays conversations that have been resolved.


  • Filter by Channel

In the previous version, Filter by Channel only supports filtering conversations based on specific channels. In this version there is an improvement in the Filter by Channel feature that users can filter conversations based on specific channel accounts. Users can choose more than one channel account.

Filter by Channel cannot be combined with other filters such as Filter by Bot or Filter by Tag. Users can only do one type of filter.


  • WhatsApp Broadcast History

WhatsApp Broadcast History is a feature to display broadcast history in a chat room from the WhatsApp channel. WhatsApp Broadcast sent via Multichannel will be displayed on WhatsApp Broadcast History. You can see WhatsApp Broadcast details on WhatsApp Broadcast History which consists of Broadcast Time, Broadcast Message, Template Name and Status.


WhatsApp Broadcast is also displayed as a message sent by the Admin in a chat room. The WhatsApp Broadcast message is displayed only if the customer has interacted with Multichannel. This interaction takes the form of a customer having replied to a message from Multichannel.


  • Add agent in Submit Ticket payload
  • Add WhatsApp Send Messages API in WhatsApp Outbound Messages page
  • Add info when auto assign agent is active in Agent Management Setting page
  • Add industry field in Register page and Account Management page
  • Enhance filter UI in Inbox page
  • Make bot’s caption optional
  • Optimize query on customer room
  • Improve the flow of send history and note to e-mail when chat room is resolved
  • Hotfix UI of verification page
  • Hotfix custom channel not assigning role properly
  • Hotfix stale id error when deleting channel
  • Hotfix qiscus_webhook if got file_attachment with the type of text
  • Hotfix user configs if name is invalid
  • Hotfix agent bulk assignment query
  • Hotfix unserved status after an agent was assigned in Qiscus Widget
  • Hotfix icon replied by agent display issue in chat list
  • Hotfix payment currency use manual conversion due to limit of 1 mil transactions
  • Hotfix payment stripe annual
  • Hotfix iframe issue, redirect to inbox instead of login page if already logged in before

For further information, feedback or questions about the changes above, please feel free to drop us some feedback at

Best regards,
Multichannel Product Team

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