Multichannel Version 3.8.0 Release
Announce: 15 June 2022
Hi there, Good news! We have made some improvements in Multichannel version 3.8.0. You can fully experience this version starting June 15, 2022. Below is the list of changes:
- Multiple Custom Analytics
In line with the addition of features on the Multichannel dashboard, such as Apps Center, Robolabs, Ticketing, and QCRM, we want to ensure that you can view the analytical data of these features in one menu. To use our new feature, Multiple Custom Analytics, you can submit a request to our team to add up to 5 analytics.
Other Enhancements:
- Improvement self top-up payment response time
- Add pop up loading during self top-up payment process
- Enhancement download media Auto Sync WhatsApp Template via superadmin
Other Bug fixes:
- Fix bubble chat from agent is on the left side
- Fix in app widget flutter and RN
- Hotfix unable to send a follow-up message to an expired chat
- Fix audio recording messages on Telegram channel not received in the Multichannel dashboard
For further information, feedback, or questions about the changes above, please feel free to drop us some feedback at
Best regards,
Product Team