What Should I Do If I Get This Error Message "You exceeded maximum broadcast attempts"?

You will get this error when you have exceeded the maximum broadcast at the same time and same WhatsApp channel. Qiscus Omnichannel Chat allows only broadcast messages within 1 minute in a WhatsApp Channel. 

Let's say there are 2 WhatsApp channels ("X" and "Y"), and you need to broadcast via these channels. 

Best time for broadcast:

  • Broadcast message "A" in WhatsApp "X" channel at 10.10 AM 
  • Broadcast message "B" in WhatsApp "X" channel at 10.11 AM 
  • Broadcast message "C" in WhatsApp "X" channel at 10.12 AM 
  • Broadcast message "D" in WhatsApp "Y" channel at 10.10 AM 
  • Broadcast message "D" in WhatsApp "Y" channel at 10.11 AM 

These cases are allowed to broadcast messages.

Not recommended broadcast time:

  • Broadcast message "A" in WhatsApp "X" channel at 10.10 AM 
  • Broadcast message "B" in WhatsApp "X" channel at 10.10 AM (failed, will return error message exceeding maximum broadcast attempts) 
  • Broadcast message "C" in WhatsApp "X" channel at 10.10 AM (failed, will return error message exceeding maximum broadcast attempts) 
  • Broadcast message "D" in WhatsApp "Y" channel at 10.11 AM 
  • Broadcast message "D" in WhatsApp "Y" channel at 10.11 AM (failed, will return error message exceeding maximum broadcast attempts)

These cases are not allowed to broadcast messages.

Let us know if need more customization for the broadcast time limit.

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