How to Broadcast a Template Through Omnichannel

Before you start, please make sure you have an approved template and Outbound Quotas. If you are unsure about how to create a message template, you can read more on our Documentation: Outbound Message

Here are the steps of sending a Broadcast message through Omnichannel

  1. Log in to your Omnichannel Account as Admin, go to Outbound Message

  2. You will be directed to the "Outbound Messages" menu. In the "BROADCAST" section there are two broadcast features based on the channel:
    - Broadcast to All Channel, for sending broadcasts to all channels
    - WhatsApp Broadcast, only for WhatsApp channels.

  3. Choose the one, and you will be directed to the next section of the feature then hit the "New Broadcast" buttons

  4. Select the broadcast type you want to send

    1. By customers list on the "customers" menu
    2. By customer group on the "customers" menu
    3. By submitting the WhatsApp number
    4. By WhatsApp customer group on the "customers" menu
    5. By listing the customer's data in the CSV file.

  5. On this page, for Broadcast to All Channel, you must select the template 1 by 1 per channel in the channel list if you have selected more than one channel before as highlighted on the image, and then click the "Next" button and then "Send".

    And for the WhatsApp Channel, you can choose which category template you would like to broadcast, choose the highlighted drop-down menu of the template category on the image[No. 1]. Then all of your Approved templates will be shown by clicking the highlighted drop-down menu of the message template on the image[No. 2]

    For the WhatsApp Channel, you will not be needed to create your own CSV structure for each of your templates. All you need to do is choose the category and message template name that you want to broadcast, and our auto-generated CSV will make the structure for you. It is highly recommended that you download our auto-generated CSV every time you'd like to broadcast a message with different templates.
    After you pick which template you'd like to broadcast, choose "Download CSV Template", so you will get the proper structure for your CSV broadcast.

    After clicking the button, an interactive pop-up will appear, you can choose either a comma (,) or semicolon (;) separator for each of your variables, then click "download".mceclip4.png

    Open the downloaded CSV file, and fill them out according to your variables and the template used.
    After you fill in your CSV, return to the broadcast message page. Then click upload CSV, choose the same separator as you downloaded them, click next, and pick the CSV you have filled. Your file is completely uploaded and then send.
    There will be a pop us showing if you are about to use your outbound quota, click "Yes".

  6. If the "Success" indicator is shown, you will be redirected to the "Broadcast to All Channels" or "Send WhatsApp Broadcast Message" page. Here, you can see your currently broadcasted template and the progress.
    The progress will update accordingly, and you can see the details by clicking the "See Log" button. If the template is successfully delivered to the recipient or has been read by them, you'll see it theremceclip9.png
    And now it is finished!

Note: For the template that is containing a Media as its header variable

If you would like to broadcast a template with a media as its header, you will have 2 choices:

a. Broadcast the default media.
Which is the media you use when you created the template. The media will be shown on the preview template like the image below.


To use the default media, after downloading the CSV, delete the table for the header and its row.


Fill out the rest accordingly, save the CSV, and use it for broadcasting your template.

b. Use different media(s).

If you'd like to use another media rather than the default media, or you'd like to use different media for each of your recipients, after downloading the CSV, fill out the "header_variable" with a direct link to the media. Make sure it's a direct media link, a link such as G drive is not allowed since it is not a direct link. The direct link usually ends with the format of the file that it is directed to, an image with a direct link usually ends with jpg/JPEG or PNG.


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