Why Messages From WhatsApp Not Coming To Qiscus Multichannel Dashboard?
Messages not appear in Qiscus Multichannel Dashboard from any social messaging (including WhatsApp) mainly because of webhook not being setup properly.
If you got direct access from WhatsApp, you will need to make sure to setup webhook on applications setting via WhatsApp API or WhatsApp Web Business Tool - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/api/webhooks/#requirements, or if you got access of WhatsApp API from partners (e.g Kata.ai) you will need to make sure webhook is properly being setup there.
Webhook url value that need to be inserted, can be found in WhatsApp integration section in Multichannel Dashboard as shown below :
If you already setup the webhook but still not able to see message from WhatsApp number to Qiscus Multichannel Dashboard, you will need to open ticket : https://support.qiscus.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and we will help you.
Please note that configuration setup sometimes experience some delay for all the configuration to fully setup, so you may need to wait up to 24 hours after setup WhatsApp to get everything run smoothly. If you experience the delay above, we recommend to still open ticket while waiting. Hence our team can also check and speed this up for you.