Multichannel Version 1.16.0 Release
Hi there, Good news! We have made some improvements in Multichannel. Below are the list of changes
- Bulk Assignment of Agent
Bulk assignment of agents is a feature that is used to transfer assignments in bulk from one agent to another. Bulk assignment of agents is done when the agent who logs out still has ongoing conversations. There will be options when the agent logs out, namely "Just Log Out" and "Assign Now".
If the agent chooses "Just Log Out", it will exit the system without transferring the assignment of the agent. If the agent chooses "Assign Now" a list of agents will appear that can be selected for the assignment in bulk. The agent list only shows agents that meet the criteria, that is, agents that have a minimum role to the same channel as the channel in the ongoing chat. The agent can only choose one agent to transfer the assignments. The agent cannot choose which chats to be diverted. All chats will automatically be transferred to the selected agent. System will send ‘{{ Sender name }} handed over this conversation to {{ Receiver name}}’ message for every re-assigned chat. Every chat that is handed over will be regarded as new chat. After completing the assignment agent assignment process, it will exit the system automatically.
You need to give us a request to activate and use this feature. This feature is suitable for those who apply the shift system to customer service. With this feature, it can increase the effectiveness and efficiency when shifting occurs. Agents do not need to transfer assignments one by one to another agent. Agents can assign assignments in bulk to all ongoing chats to one agent at a time.
- Customer Phone Number Form Feature within Qiscus Widget
In the previous version, the Qiscus Widget login form only consists of Name and Email input. Email is used as a customer identifier. As it grows, what is often used as a customer identifier is the phone number. In this version, you can configure "Choose customer identifier". With this setting, you can choose an email or phone number to use as the customer identifier. The configuration is located on the Qiscus Widget integration page in the widget builder section.
You can only choose one customer identifier. Email is the default customer identifier. If you select e-mail, then the e-mail input placeholder becomes "Type your e-mail address" and the icon is an e-mail icon. Likewise, if you select a phone number, the placeholder input Phone Number will change to "Type your phone number" and the icon will change to the phone number icon. As an important note, if you choose a phone number you cannot send "chat history" and "note" to the customer when resolving the chat.
- Add map rendering feature
- Enhance file uploading progress bar UI
- Hotfix for the error of 'Agent with corresponding division not found’
- Hotfix for uppercase file extension can not render, transform all uploaded file extension to lowercase
- Fix PNG image thumbnail generation error if the extension is in uppercase
- Fix overflowing text of 'replied comment'
- Fix badge room can't be rendered if the badge is null
- Fix admin redirected to agent root url when logged out
For further information, feedback or questions about the changes above, please feel free to drop us some feedback at
Best regards,
Multichannel Product Team