CRM Integration Example using Zapier

This article is a follow up example of previous article at

In this example we are going to use FreshDesk as the CRM and Zapier as the Intermediary Service. We assume you already have those two accounts created. Otherwise, you don’t have to worry, since the process of integration is relatively the same as to other CRM providers, such as Zendesk or Salesforce. So just follow along.

Alright, let’s get started!

Add Omnichannel App to Zapier Account

First thing first, let’s add Qiscus Omnichannel App to your Zapier Account. You need to do this, since Qiscus Omnichannel is not listed yet in Zapier Apps. To do so,

Create Trigger in Zapier and Connect to Omnichannel

First, Login to Zapier Dasboard and Klik Make a Zap! button

In the Choose a Trigger App dialog, select Qiscus Omnichannel 1.*.* (* means the version could be difference,


Next, in the Choose Qiscus Omnichannel (1.0.*) Trigger, select New Room trigger since we want every time a new room created, new ticket will be created. Click Save + Continue button.


After that, click Connect and Login to Integrate Qiscus Omnichannel Account to Zapier, then choose your account, if this is for the first time, click Connect an Account button and provide your Qiscus Omnichannel account credentials.


Copy Webhook Link generated from Zapier, then click Skip Test and Continue with Default Sample


Now you already got the generate webhook URL from Zapier, the next step is to put the URL in Custom Agent Allocation field in the Qiscus Omnichannel

Settings page. So, login to Qiscus Omnichannel with your account at Qiscus Omnichannel Chat.

In the Qiscus Omnichannel, go to the Settings page and select Custom Agent Allocation menu. On the right hand side of the screen, toggle on the Custom Agent Allocation feature button and fill in the Webhook URL with Zapier webhook URL you got earlier, then click Save.

By doing so, you literally have connected your Qiscus Omnichannel with Zapier. So every time a new room created in Qiscus Omnichannel, Qiscus Omnichannel will hook provided URL above in Zapier to do anything, in this case connect to CRM.

To be noted here, Qiscus Omnichannel support auto agent allocation feature when a new room created. However, as soon as you activate this Custom Agent Allocation feature, the auto agent allocation will be set to off. So an agent will have to manually get customer to serve.

Add Steps and Connect (Qiscus Omnichannel - Zapier - freshdesk trigger configuration)

In this phase, we have four steps to configure, namely create contact, create ticket, put additional information in Omnichannel sidebar, and update ticket when room mark as resolve.

1. Create Contact

The first configuration would be to configure a contact creation for customer first encounter. Let’s get back to Zapier Zap Configuration Page and add some steps-actions event trigger. Click Action/Search on the left sidebar.


In the Choose an Action App dialog, select Freshdesk app.


Then, in the Select Freshdesk Action, select Create Contact then click Save + Continue button. Click Connect and Login to Integrate Freshdesk to Zapier, then choose your account, Click Save and Continue.


Then, choose Freshdesk account and click Continue.


After that, let’s fill in several required fields, like Name & Email. We will fill these fields in from Omnichannel source. You can specify additional information such as Address, Description, and Phone.


Here’s the contact overview.


And this is how it will be shown in the FreshDesk.


2. Create Ticket

Let’s get back to Zapier Zap Configuration Page and add some steps-actions event trigger. Click Action/Search on the left sidebar.


In the Choose an Action App dialog, select Freshdesk app.


Then, in the Select Freshdesk Action, select Create Ticket then click Save + Continue button. Click Connect and Login to Integrate Freshdesk to Zapier, then choose your account, Click Save and Continue.


Fill in Subject and First Comment/Description then Select Continue Skip Test and Finish.


Give a name for your Test Case Name and Turn On your Zap


3. Put Additional Information in Qiscus Omnichannel Sidebar

Qiscus Omnichannel let us add some information in its sidebar. It can contains data from create ticket action, one of them is the ticket details created in FreshDesk. In this step, we will proceed with the setup. Let’s do this.

Re-open the zap create ticket configuration if you haven’t done so then look for Omnichannel again, i.e Qiscus Omnichannel (1.0.*) updated.


Then let’s specify Action Event Additional Information and click Continue


Choose the Omnichannel account and click Continue,


And fill in required fields as shown in the figure below.


Key is the label that will be shown in the Additional Information sidebar in Omnichannel, while Value is the value of the previous key. In this case we will fill in with the ticket URL, and add ticket_id specified from FreshDesk.


Skip Test & Review, proceed with the Test & Continue button instead.


This is how it looks like in Omnichannel.


4. Update Ticket when Room Marked as Resolved

Create a new zap, then find the Omnichannel and select Qiscus Omnichannel (1.0.*) *updated


Select Mark as Resolve in the Trigger Event field then click Continue


Next, select Omnichannel account account and Continue.


As soon as above step is done, it will generate a Webhook URL, copy the URL and paste in on the Omnichannel multiple webhook


Then create an action on Freshdesk by selecting action event Add Notes to a Ticket then click Continue


Select your Freshdesk account and click Continue


Fill in these required

  • Ticket No is the number of ticket that is going to be updated
  • Notes, fill in any necessary notes
  • Private optional management, whether the ticket is for private or public member

Then click Continue


This is how it looks like,


That’s all.

Please be noted, this CRM integration scenario is just one example of many cases that is possible to be implemented. So if you have other requirements, you can just try to experiment with available triggers.

Video Example

Here we provide the working example,

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