How to Add Qiscus Multichannel Chat Widget in WordPress Based Website?

If you have a website that is using WordPress as its CMS, it's now easy to integrate Qiscus Multichannel Chat Widget in the website. We have now provided a Plugin to integrate it. Here is the Plugin link,

So how do you set it up? It's easy, if you have access to the WordPress dashboard, just go to the Plugin page, and click add plugin button, then search for Qiscus Multichannel Widget, or Qiscus in sort. You can then just install it and activate it. Last but not the least, provide your Qiscus Multichannel Widget app id.

If you only have access to FTP, you can follow up this steps:

  1. Upload qiscus-multichannel-widget directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the Settings page and provide your Qiscus Multichannel App ID

That's all.

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