Initial greeting message from opponent for the first time
1.1 Using Bot to do post comment
Step :
- Client post a comment by using “custom” message type when user open chat room for the first time, this custom type using JSON, thus you can add key and value for marking it as greeting message. e.g key: greeting, value: “hello” here's the dosc for custom message :
- Android
- Web
- Once it send to Qiscus, this comment will appear in chat window, since we do not want to make user see this post we will hide the greeting message, hide the message can use they key as parameter to hide
- Qiscus will send a message to Bot via Webhook
- Bot will get the response and send “greeting message” by sending comment via REST API to Qiscus
- Client receive the comment
1.2 Using Server (client server) to do post comment
Flow :
- Client request to server when user open chat room for the first time, client will send room_id, user_id, thus server will know which room should be sent and who is the targeted user
- Server is making a call Post Comment API
- Client will receive comment from Qiscus
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