Qiscus AI Assistant Version 1.0.0 Release
Hi there!
We have released a new add-on Qiscus AI Assistant version 1.0.0. You can fully experience this version starting September 20, 2023. Here’s the feature list for the initial launch:
We have released a new add-on Qiscus AI Assistant version 1.0.0. You can fully experience this version starting September 20, 2023. Here’s the feature list for the initial launch:
Features :
- Improve Text: The AI Assistant can refine and improve sentences from your agent to make them better and clearer. You can also summarize or elaborate further within this feature.
- Generate Ideas - AI Generate: The AI Assistant can provide response suggestions to the agent to be sent to the customer. Generate Ideas utilizes AI Generate to produce general responses to be provided to the customer, drawing from various conversation inputs from the customer.
- Generate Ideas - Knowledge Base Generate: Use Knowledge Base Generate to generate responses based on training data sources that you can upload into the Qiscus AI Assistant using an Excel file. With this way, the AI can respond according to the data sources you have.
- Summarize: You can summarize entire conversations in a room between the customer and the agent. You can also view customer sentiment within this feature.
You can find the app in our App Center under the name Qiscus AI Assistant, or click this link https://apps.qiscus.com/addons/qiscus-ai-assistant
For further information, feedback, or questions about the changes above, please feel free to contact us at https://support.qiscus.com/.
Product Team
Product Team