How Supervisor by Division Works?
Enterprises typically have many stores or brands, SPV commonly supervise operation in each brand or store, they make sure everything goes smoothly, and easy to escalate if something is not appropriate.
When it comes to managing many stores there’s concern about access. Each SPV who handles the store cannot involve in other stores.
Currently, SPV in Qiscus Omnichannel chat can see all conversations in different divisions/stores in same channel. There are case different store has the same channel (single WA phone number).
For example, the enterprise has a single WA number (628xx12312312) that represents branches in each city. This is common practice to simplify the communication between brand and customer. A single number later can route to some divisions, it can be marketing division, support division, sales division, or other common cases, it can route to a store/branch.
To help enterprises solve the issue, we need to scope access of conversations’ SPV based on channel and divisions. See change logs v3.15.0
Supervisor can handle all chats from all division
For some businesses, supervisors want to be able to oversee all conversations from all divisions according to the assigned channel. You only need to create this supervisor account without using a division. So that the supervisor can see all the conversations that are unserved or served by agent and according to the assigned channel
Supervisor can handle all chats from a single division
When a business requires job restrictions for supervisors where they can only supervise conversations from one division, this can also be done. For example, a sales division with a support division, of course, will require different ways of handling and monitoring. This can be done by adding one division for each supervisor. So, it only gets conversations that have been served by agents, according to the division and channel that has been assigned.
Supervisor can handle all chats from a multiple division
Another use case example that can be used is when a business wants supervisors to be able to oversee conversations from two or more divisions. For example, conversations that have been served by agents from the Sales division or Marketing division because they have almost the same handling. You only need to add these 2 divisions. So, that supervisors can see incoming conversations according to the assigned channel and have been served by agents from these divisions.