Is It Possible to Mute Notification in Particular Chatroom?

Yes it's possible for Andorid and iOS, but React Native is not possible. Here example code for Android and iOS:


You can follow this steps to able to mute notification:

  1. Create singleton class ChatPreferencesHelper for handle Mute preferences
public class ChatPreferencesHelper {

private static ChatPreferencesHelper INSTANCE;
private SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;

private ChatPreferencesHelper() {
sharedPreferences = App.getInstance()
.getSharedPreferences("chat.qisme.sp", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

public static ChatPreferencesHelper getInstance() {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
INSTANCE = new ChatPreferencesHelper();
return INSTANCE;

public void setEnableNotification(boolean enable) {
sharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean("enable_pn_default", enable).apply();

public boolean isEnableNotification() {
return sharedPreferences.getBoolean("enable_pn_default", true);

public void setEnableNotification(int qiscusRoomId, boolean enable) {
sharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean("enable_pn_" + qiscusRoomId, enable).apply();

public boolean isEnableNotification(int qiscusRoomId) {
return sharedPreferences.getBoolean("enable_pn_" + qiscusRoomId, isEnableNotification());


2. Intercept Notification using Qiscus.getChatConfig()

.setNotificationBuilderInterceptor((builder, qiscusComment) -> {
* check mute for all room
* ChatPreferencesHelper.getInstance().isEnableNotification()
* check mute per room
* !ChatPreferencesHelper.getInstance().isEnableNotification(roomId)

if (ChatPreferencesHelper.getInstance().isEnableNotification()
|| !ChatPreferencesHelper.getInstance()
.isEnableNotification(qiscusComment.getRoomId())) {
//return false for mute

return false;
* TODO other implementation
return true;

3.Implementation, call this method for mute room:

* call this method for mute all room

* call this method for mute per room
ChatPreferencesHelper.getInstance().setEnableNotification(qiscusRoomId, true);


Implement Silent Notification iOS using Pushkit only, You can follow this steps to able to mute notification:

  1. Create class to handle UserDefault
class NotifPreference {
private let pref = UserDefaults.standard
static let shared = NotifPreference()

private init() {


/// Add muted room id
/// - Parameter roomId: qiscus room id
func addMutedRoom(roomId: String) {
var mutedRooms = getMutedRoom()

pref.set(mutedRooms, forKey: "muted_room")

/// Check is room with roomId has been muted
/// - Parameter roomId: qiscus room id
/// - Returns: true if room with current id is muted
func isRoomMuted(roomId: String) -> Bool {
let mutedRooms = getMutedRoom()
return mutedRooms.contains(roomId)

/// Remove room id from muted room id list
/// - Parameter roomId: qiscus room id
func removeMutedRoom(roomId: String) {
var mutedRooms = getMutedRoom()
if mutedRooms.count != 0 {
var i = 0
for mutedRoomid in mutedRooms {
if mutedRoomid == roomId {
i += 1
mutedRooms.remove(at: i)
self.pref.set(mutedRooms, forKey: "muted_room")

/// Get list of muted room id
/// - Returns: array of muted room id
func getMutedRoom() -> [String] {
if let array = pref.array(forKey: "muted_room") as? [String] {
return array
} else {
return []

2. Get room Id from your Chat Room list, and add to “muted_room” userDefault

let roomId = rooms[selectedIndex].id // get room id

// mute room by room id
NotifPreference.shared.addMutedRoom(roomId: roomId)
// unmuted room by room id
NotifPreference.shared.removeMutedRoom(roomId: roomId)

3. Handle incoming push notification

func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, forType type: PKPushType) {

// Get room id from notification userInfo

if let payload = payload.dictionaryPayload["payload"] {

let payloadData = payload as! [String : Any]

let roomId = payloadData["room_id"]

if !NotifPreference.shared.isRoomMuted(roomId: roomId!) {



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